Prompt: You are now acting as an expert in the field of [Put professional fields here…]. From a professional point of view, do you think there is any need to modify the above content? Be careful not to modify the whole text, you need to point out the places that need to be modified one by one, and give revision opinions and recommended revision content.提示:你现在扮演一个[这里放你所研究的领域] 领域的专家,从专业的角度,您认为上面这些内容是否有需要修改的地方?注意,不要全文修改,您需要一一指出需要修改的地方,并且给出修改意见以及推荐的修改内容。节省空间最近自己一直在用的一个提示,可以说终于摆脱了之前一次输出不完整或者中间断网的情况。这种方式改文章,改代码都可以。Prompt: [Put your requirements here…] , since your output length is limited, in order to save space. Please use ellipses for the parts you don’t think need to be modified.提示:[这里放你的要求…],由于你的输出长度有限,为了节省空间。请你觉得没必要修改的部分,用省略号即可。多版本参考在润色过程中,ChatGPT可以提供多个版本的修改建议,以便对比和选择。Prompt: Please provide multiple versions for reference.提示:请提供多个版本用于参考。及时反馈如果ChatGPT理解错了你的问题,可以给它一个错误的反馈,让它重新回答Prompt: Note that it is not …, but …Re-answer the previous question based on what I have added.提示:注意,不是…而是…请根据我的补充,重新回答上个问题如果认为回答的不够好,或者方向不对。可以要求重新回答,并且指明侧重方向。比如你只希望去除当前段落的冗余,并不想改动原意思。Prompt:Still the above question, I think your answer is not good enough. Please answer again, this time focusing on removing redundancy from this passage.提示:还是上面的问题,我认为你回答的不够好。请重新回答一次,这次你应该侧重于去除这段话中的冗余。前后对比如果文本还是过长不利于观察,让它回答具体修改了哪些地方。Prompt:Note that in addition to giving the modified content, please also indicate which paragraphs and sentences have been modified in the revised version.提示:注意,除了给出润色修改之后的内容,还请指明修订的版本中具体修改了哪些段落的哪几句话。补充:这里最好是用一些在线的文本对比工具来观察,例如下面这种,更加一目了然。润色方向根据自己的需求调整润色方式。以下列举了一些常用词汇,可与后文的示例结合使用。
段落润色直接润色Prompt: Polish the paragraph above to make it more logical, and academic.提示:润色上面的内容,使其更加更合逻辑,更符合学术风格有时,如果英文不够好或者对修改之后的句子感觉不合适,可以接着让它输出一句理由。然后自己再做最终的判断。Prompt:For the sentence “[Before polished sentence]”, why did you polish it to be “[Polished sentence]”.提示:对于“[润色前的句子]”这句话,为什么你润色为成“[润色后的句子]”。同理,本文接下来的所有用法都可以配合着上面的方式进行追问。特定要求1)结合背景知识相比于上面直接的润色,这种方式可能会让它输出一些更丰富的信息。Prompt: According to your knowledge about XXX and XXX, is there a better way to write the above paragraph, please help to revise it so that it can be used in academic papers.提示:上面这段话,根据你所掌握的关于XXX和XXX的知识,有没有更好的写法,请帮助润色修改,以便能够用于论文。2)长句拆分Prompt: This sentence is too long and complex. Consider breaking it up into multiple shorter sentences.提示:这句话太长而复杂。考虑将其分解为多个较短的句子。3)去除冗余Prompt: This section seems repetitive. Please rephrase to avoid redundancy.提示:本节似乎是重复的。请重塑以避免冗余。语法句法Prompt: This sentence is grammatically incorrect. Please revise.提示:这句话在语法上是不正确的。请修改。Prompt: The subject and verb do not agree in this sentence. Please correct.提示:主语和动词在这句话中不一致。请改正。Prompt: This phrase seems out of place. Please rephrase to improve clarity.提示:这句话似乎不合适。请重新措辞以表达更清晰。Prompt: I have used a passive voice in this sentence. Consider using an active voice instead.提示:我在这句话中使用了被动语态。考虑改用主动语态。场景举例写论文的时候往往要贬低一下别人方法的局限性。可以让ChatGPT帮你列举一些有局限性的场景。Prompt: Can you give a few examples to demonstrate the scenarios where the previous method has limitations, so that it can be used in academic papers.提示:能否举几个例子来证明之前的方法在哪些场景下具有局限性,以便用于论文中。期刊/会议风格根据期刊会议(注意 期刊或者会议要足够著名)的风格,来润色内容。Prompt: If I wish to publish a paper at a XXX conference, please polish the above content in the style of a XXX article.提示:如果我希望将论文发表在XXX会议/期刊上,请按照XXX文章的风格,对上面的内容进行润色。封装基本事实/原理/背景润色的同时,修改基本逻辑错误。如果对内容的润色需要一些背景知识,可以在对话时主动告诉ChatGPT,比如XXX原理。Prompt: Now, in order to help me better polish my thesis, I need you to remember the XXX principle: “…”提示:现在,为了接下来能够帮我更好的润色论文,我需要你记住XXX原理:“…”这样就相当于为一段内容,封装了一个函数名称,之后你再次提到XXX原理的时候,ChatGPT就能快速知道你说的是哪些基本事实了。Prompt: Polish and rewrite the above content to make it more in line with the style of academic papers, and at the same time, it can be more professional. If there are parts that do not conform to facts or logic, please refer to the part of xxxxx for the above content modification.提示:润色并重写上面的内容,使其更加符合论文的风格,于此同时,又能更加专业化,如果有不符合事实或者逻辑的部分,请你参考XXX原理部分对上面的内容修改。论文润色如果在同一个会话窗口内,持续使用了一段时间。那么此时就可以尝试进行直接对论文局部进行润色。寻求建议由于接下来发送的文本比较长。为了方便使用,可以参考下面做法。首先,用一句话唤醒ChatGPT,告诉它接下来的任务。Prompt: I started to write an academic paper, the title is XXXXX, now I have finished the introduction part, but I am not sure whether it is suitable, can you help me to read it, and put forward detailed and specific revision suggestions?提示:我开始写论文了,题目是XXXXX,现在我完成了引言部分,但是不确定是否合适,你能帮我看一下,并提出详细具体的修改意见吗?然后自己把已经完成的Introduction部分,发送过去。就可以得到ChatGPT的建议。我自己尝试了一下,对于这部分的一些建议还有有一些建设性的!不过还是那句话,仅供参考~其他用法内容续写这个方法一般适合实在想不出什么内容,又希望增加字数的情况。Prompt: Based on the knowledge you have mastered about [xxx], polish and continue writing the above content to make the content richer and more complete.提示:根据你所掌握的关于[xxx]的知识,润色并续写上面的内容,使得内容更加丰富完整。中英互译可以直接将中文翻译成英语风格的英文注意,如果与ChatGPT的对话在同一个窗口内,交流了一段时间之后,那么此时,直接使用ChatGPT进行翻译的效果优于Google,尤其是对于专业术语的翻译,它会更懂你!Prompt: Translate the above Chinese into the corresponding English, requiring the writing style of an academic paper提示:将上面的中文,翻译成对应的英语,要求具有论文的写作风格标题名称可以向ChatGPT寻求为段落起标题,为方法起缩写名称等。Prompt:What abbreviations can “XXX” have? Give several options, with reasons, for use in an academic paper.提示:“XXX”可以有哪些缩写?请给出几种选择,并给出理由,以便用于论文中。新世界大门 GPT 4.0GPT4.0的使用体验,相比于GPT3.5有了完全不一样的提升… 尤其是在逻辑推理阶段。GPT3.5一个明显的特点是你只要对AI的回答进行反驳,它便会立刻改变立场并承认错误。而GPT 4.0则更多地基于事实进行回答,表现出更高的稳定性。此外,GPT 4.0能够阅读更长的文本,拥有更长的记忆窗口,这使得它能够在通篇润色方面发挥更大作用。逻辑论证辅助GPT 4.0在逻辑推理方面有显著的提升,可以用于辅助构建更有说服力的论证。Prompt: Please help me analyze and optimize the logical structure of this argument to make it more convincing.提示:请帮我分析和优化这段论证的逻辑结构,以使其更具说服力。长篇文本处理能力由于GPT 4.0具有更长的记忆窗口,它可以更有效地进行长篇幅文本的润色。Prompt: Please read and polish the entire paper to ensure consistency and coherence.提示:请阅读并润色整篇论文,确保一致性和连贯性。(就是这么简单粗暴!)当然,如果论文特别长,可以分为多次喂给它,像下面这样:给完第一部分之后:Prompt: I have written the XXX section, but I am not satisfied with its structure and coherence. Please help me reorganize the content and improve its coherence.提示:我写了XXX部分,但我对其结构和连贯性不满意。请帮我重新组织内容,提高其连贯性。Prompt: Please review and revise the entire literature review section of my paperensuring that it meets the standards of academic writing and the content iscoherent and well-structured.提示:请审查并修改我论文的整个文献综述部分,确保符合学术写作标准,内容连贯且结构合理。提供独特见解Prompt: Please provide me with some unique insights that I can discuss in my paper, based on the latest research that you are aware of.提示:请根据你所了解的最新研究,为我提供一些独特的见解以便我在论文中进行讨论。深度分析与评估Prompt: Please help me to conduct an in-depth analysis of these research methods and data, and provide me with an assessment of their advantages and disadvantages.提示:请帮助我对这些研究方法和数据进行深度分析,并为我提供关于其优缺点的评估。————————————————版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「江鸟1998」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。原文链接: 关注公众号,好文章不迷路。
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