解放你的双手—— AI 工具自动完成文献检索和筛选



AI 工具自动完成文献综述


基于GPT-3.5模型开发的 AI 工具

花费了一周的业余时间,我开发了一种基于GPT-3.5模型的 AI工具,可以在短时间内自动完成文献检索和筛选。此工具使用先进的NLP算法分析科学文献,并根据预定义的相关性识别研究是否与之相关。它可以在几分钟内阅读和分析几十上百篇论文,提供详细的说明,强调相关研究并总结它们的发现。

AI 工具易于使用,并可定制以适应不同项目的特定需求。CER作者可以定义纳入和排除的标准,此工具会识别每篇文献是否符合这些标准并给出对应的解释。这个功能确保CER作者不会浪费时间分析不相关的研究。


文献检索和分析是临床评估过程中的一项耗时任务,AI 的进步正在改变处理此任务的方式。基于GPT-3.5模型开发的AI工具可以在短时间内自动完成文献初筛,减少识别相关研究所需的时间和精力。此工具易于使用,并可定制以适应项目的特定需求。使用该工具,评价人员可以专注于分析相关的研究并完成高质量的临床评价。

The Most Time-Consuming Task in Clinical Evaluation: Literature Review

Clinical evaluation is a vital process in the medical field that involves analyzing scientific literature to determine the safety and effectiveness of medical devices, drugs, and treatments. One of the most time-consuming tasks in the clinical evaluation process is the literature review. Medical writers spend hours poring over scientific literature to identify relevant studies and extract data that is relevant to the product being evaluated. This task is tedious and time-consuming, and it can be challenging to keep up with the ever-increasing volume of scientific literature.

AI Tools to Automate Literature Review

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming the way medical writers approach literature review. AI tools can help medical writers screen the literature automatically, reducing the time and effort required to identify relevant studies. These tools use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to analyze scientific literature and identify relevant studies based on predefined criteria.

Introducing Our GPT-3.5 Based Tool

I have developed an AI tool based on the GPT-3.5 model that can automatically complete the literature screen in a short time. The tool uses advanced NLP algorithms to analyze scientific literature and identify relevant studies based on predefined criteria. It can read and analyze multiple papers in a matter of minutes, providing a comprehensive report that highlights relevant studies and summarizes their findings.

This tool is user-friendly, and it can be customized to fit the specific needs of your project. Medical writers can define the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the tool will only identify studies that meet these criteria. This feature ensures that medical writers do not waste time analyzing irrelevant studies.


The literature review is a time-consuming task in the clinical evaluation process, and advancements in AI are transforming the way medical writers approach this task. The AI tool based on the GPT-3.5 model can automatically complete the literature screen in a short time, reducing the time and effort required to identify relevant studies. This tool is user-friendly and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your project, ensuring that medical writers do not waste time analyzing irrelevant studies. With the tool, medical writers can focus on analyzing relevant studies and producing high-quality clinical evaluations.


A detailed demo will be made on Saturday, March. 18, don’t miss out!  

Experience the future of clinical evaluation. 

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